We’re preparing for increased winter snowmaking by replacing a 1500ft section of snowmaking pipe, that runs from Stratton Lake at the Golf Course to the Energy Center in the Main Base Area. This is the main feed of water to the mountain, which then turns into that man-made magic on the slopes.

A special wrap is being applied to the new snowmaking pipe for cathodic protection, and with this a small electrical current will run through the metal pipe, to fight corrosion and increase the lifespan.

Aside from this huge improvement, we also have replaced several damaged culverts on the access road, ensuring better drainage in the event of heavy rain events and melt-outs.

On top of all that (quite literally), the access road is getting fresh layer of pavement from just before the golf course to the parking garage exit, ensuring a smooth ride up on all your future visits. Stay tuned for more Capital Improvement updates.